Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Commandments

A *snap 1 !* is equivalent to a bullet being fired. Only those players 2 located 3 in the room 4 of the snapper may be snapped. Each room-change restores and refreshes lives and bodily conditions to the pre-snapped state.

1: A *snap* is traditionally reckoned as the snapping of the fingers. This is not possible for all, due to several factors including, but not limited to:

A. The inability to snap one's fingers.
B. The painful splitting of one's fingers, due to valiant expenditure of bullets upon comrades.
C. The inability to create a snap which is audible above the noises of the environment.

In such instances, the word ''snap'' may be used, as well as a clicking of the tongue, provided it is similar in sound to finger snapping. Other methods include shouting the person's name to get their attention, then going through the motions of a snap, so that they can see.

The *snap* must be heard, seen, or advertised (additional snaps are permissible for such advertisement, but only in the quantity initially administered [i.e.: if I don't see you single snap me, you can't do a double snap to get my attention, claiming that was your original shot] ), to the recipient before the other player snaps or calls protection. Otherwise it does not count.

2: ''Playerhood'' is achieved by snapping Mike. Once you have snapped him, you are ''in the game.'' Heaven have mercy on your soul, which is about to be deemed a carcinogen by the State of California, from all the lead that's about to enter into it.

3: ''Location'' is determined by the primary load-bearing appendage of the player.

4: A ''room'' must have one or both of the following:

A: It must have walls, a floor, a ceiling, and a door
B: It must be traditionally recognised and treated as a room.

''Outside'' is not a room, but it is a condition of location, in that if two players are both ''outside'' at the same time, their condition of location is the same. They may snap each other for this reason.

Stairs are considered a room of their own, having a different ''floor.'' Each step is not a room, but the entire set of stairs is a room. Any ground connected to, but not inclusive of the stairs is a separate room from the stairs.

1.) Thou shalt not change rooms for the sole purpose of snapping thy brother nor thy sister. This is forbidden and will result in a bullet in thine own head.

2.) Thou shalt not snap thy brothers nor thy sisters who have pronounced the word ''Protection;'' nor shalt thou snap those who have simply said ''P,'' nor shalt thou snap those who have signaled ''P'' in any internationally recognised sign language. Protection lasts throughout the remainder of the room.

3.) Thee who has pronounced the word ''Protection,'' the letter ''P,'' or signed the letter ''P'' in any internationally recognised sign language, thou mayst not snap any of thy brothers, nor thy sisters, until such time, as you find yourself in a different room, OR one or more of thy brothers or thy sisters has entered the room after your declaration of protection.

4.) Thou shalt only snap each person one time per room change, or twice, if thou smiteth him or her with both weapons at the same time, but yea, only at the same time, lest thee try to snap twice with one hand, and therefore committeth unto thyself an equal share of lead, which thou has dealt thy brother or thy sister.

5.) If thou smiteth thine enemy an extra time, before there is a room change, the bullet will wander form its path, and return to divide thine own head: one side from the other.

6.) Thou shalt smite thine enemy heartily, as long as it is within thy power, so that thine enemy knoweth full well that his bodily integrity has been fatally compromised.

7.) The washing of hands is a sacred act, and none may snap he who washeth his hands with soap. Drying of hands is not washing, since it lacketh of soap. He who snappeth whilst washing hands is a dirty cheap shot, and verily, he doeth receive the bullet he intended for his adversary.

8.) If thou wisheth to change or to create new rules, thou must convene with The High Council; which consisteth of any four members of the game. If all are in agreement, then the rule is instantly pervasive to all members of the game, upon hearing or reading of the rule.

9.) Thou shalt not create any rule which targeteth one specific brother or sister.

10.) Thou shalt snap thy neighbour, thy neighbour's wife, and thy neighbour's ass.

11.) If thy brother or sister knoweth not of the bullet nestled in his or her chest, thou shalt immediately inform thy brother or sister of the demise which has befallen him or her.

It is appropriate to comfort your fallen adversary with (fake) weeping and mourning. The appropriate phrase of defeat is ''you son of a gun!'' accompanied with the wagging of the index finger and a sly grin.

That's the rules, and please remember, it's just a game. If it makes you smile and have a little more fun, then it's served its purpose.